I've been getting these questions from a lot of people, and many complaints from people on the sudden changes in their relationships, why things are getting harder and not working for them anymore and a lot of other stuffs.

I will be addressing some of these issues by taking us through the stages of a relationship. So yes, relationships do change over a period of time. It could take about 6 months and beyond to actually see this change and some could be less or more depending on the individuals. The growth or progress of a relationship passes through several phases, and we will look at 3 of them with the first being


As other people also call it THE HONEYMOON STAGE. This is the falling in love stage and during this time everything is absolutely wonderful, and you both find yourselves in a state of perpetual bliss with heavenly experiences. At this stage you feel you can take on anything that life throws at you because, your fear response has been suppressed with the lovey-dovey hormones flooded in your brain as long as you have the other person with you. This stage usually last only between 6 to 12 months.

The next phase is the 


This is the stage where you feel a sense of well...... is okay with your partner. All the lovey-dovey experiences and the butterflies that used to thrive in your gut have by now become an endangered species. They may come alive on rare occasions though. How long this last may depend on how many skeletons in your closet you were hiding from your partner during the honeymoon phase. Welcome to reality. Averagely, this stage lasts between 1 to 2 years.

Third phase is 


Let's note that, successful happy couples never truly get to this phase while less successful couples backflip straight from the HONEYMOON PHASE right into the resentment phase. Signs of this phase includes explosive fights, passive aggressive confrontations and a persistent feeling in your heart forcing you to question yourself if you are making the call by staying with your partner.

It is really hard to work things out once you have gone too far into this phase of a relationship. It is possible though but not easy.

At what stage are you in your relationship?

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