Porn or pornography is dictionary-defined as “printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings.”

So, not only might photos and videos be pornographic, but also printed words on a page. Again, note that porn could be an explicit description of sexual activity that is “intended to stimulate erotic feelings.” Romance novels often include pornography, as the scenes described are written by the authors, and consumed by readers, to “stimulate erotic feelings.” Authors describe with words what resembles a scene from a porn film. It’s porn.

Porn, as everyone knows, arouses lust. Through sexual imagery, porn ignites sexual desire and places those who indulge in it into an imaginary, illicit sexual encounter. Thus, the most basic reason to avoid all porn: It is designed to arouse lust. Porn is not your friend.

Do you feel like you want to stop watching porn, but can’t? Are you obsessed with indulging in pornographic material? Is porn taking priority over other things? A porn addiction can make you feel out of control and damage any existing healthy relationships you may have.

Here are some other signs that point to porn addiction:

  1. You find that it’s impossible to stop watching porn even when you desire to stop.
  2. You experience immense guilt or shame about the time and resources you put into watching porn.
  3. You start to neglect work and personal relationships to spend that time watching porn. 
  4. You find it difficult to enjoy sex or any sexual acts without involving porn. 
  5. You notice that watching porn has begun to interfere with your daily functioning. 

Here are some tips to help you deal with porn addiction.

1. Commit to prayers and the study of the word of God. 

Be intentional and consistent in your walk with God. Commit to prayers and the study of his word and be intentional about living right and totally submitting to His will and the leadings of the Holy Spirit. 

2. Write down your reasons. 

If you’ve recognized you have a problem and have decided to give up porn, it’s good to remind yourself of your motivations and try to stick to them. It can be hard to know how to get rid of a porn addiction on your own, but you can make a start by writing down your reasons for giving up. Maybe it’s affecting your relationship or creating problems at work. Every time you think about watching porn, read your goals back to yourself and talk yourself out of it. 

3. Remove any physical evidence. 

One thing you can do when thinking about how to stop a porn addiction is to simply remove the offending items. Clear out any magazines and delete any digital evidence so that when the urge arises it simply isn’t an option. Try to use a work laptop instead of a personal one as the fear of being found out will help to keep you on the right track. You can also change your settings to block pornographic content. 

4. Be aware of your triggers. 

As with all addictions, there will be certain things that trigger your porn addiction. These are internal or external stimuli that make you think about porn. It could be a certain image, song, place or person. Try to avoid being in situations where you are exposed to your triggers. It’s important to find ways to cope if you have an uncontrollable desire to watch porn. Using breathing, counting and tapping techniques can help to disrupt your thought process in the moment and distract you from your intentions.

5. Think of a healthy distraction 

Another method of how to stop a porn addiction is to replace it with something positive. If you suddenly feel the need to watch porn again you can choose to get involved in a healthy activity too. Yoga involves breathing techniques which can be useful for calming the mind and generating good thoughts or you could go for a run, do some gardening, read a book or have a bath. Anything that takes your mind off wanting to watch porn.  

6. Tell someone about your problems. 

You might feel embarrassed about your obsession with porn but confiding in a good friend, your spiritual leader or even your partner, could provide the key to how to stop a porn addiction. As well as feeling the relief of sharing your problem, if the person you confide in also lives with you, they can support you in your mission of getting rid of your porn addiction. Tell them the times of day that are challenging for you and any triggers you have identified. Then they can help you avoid challenging situations and provide distractions if you’re relapsing. 

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  1. Insightful and educative

  2. Please what if the thoughts keep reflecting in ur mind n sight?what can u do too?

    1. Think of a healthy destruction and surround yourself with good company to take your mind off it.

    2. Seek for help if these thoughts are overwhelming.
