In James 5:17 Elijah is described as a man with a nature like us that cried out unto the lord earnestly in prayer and the lord heard him. When we cry out unto the Lord in prayer, He moves on our behalf. Destinies change, battles are won and the tide changes. On the grounds of prayer, the impossible becomes possible and the supernatural takes over the natural.

 I announce to you the October episode of PRAYER BANQUET dubbed HIS PRESENCE. Last month's episode was phenomenal, a supernatural overflow. You can't miss this for all the pizzas in Italy. 

It's from the camp of Pastor Lord Eben founder of the Lord Eben Ministries. It's happening live at the Evangelical Assemblies of God, Santasi behind Adom Clinic at exactly 5pm sharp.

Tell a friend to tell a friend. God will be there!!!! 

Recap of last month's episode 

For more information contact 0558221221 

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