Many of us have been enslaved by others because we've lost sight of our real self and living in the personas created by people. We've built our confidence in them to the point that we care so much about what they think and their approval more than anything.

When we do this, we build our homes in them. They become our peace, our confidence, our source of strength, our treasure, our place of safety and many others. We invest in these people, and we evaluate our self-worth based on how much they welcome us which is one of the biggest mistakes we make in life.

What we don't realize is that, when we build our home in other people, we give them the power and I repeat, we give them the ultimate power to make us homeless.

When those people walk away, those homes walk away with them too. This renders us in a state of emptiness because everything we had within us, we put into them. Yes, we trusted them with pieces of us.

What we feel at this point doesn't mean we are worthless; we are nothing or nothing good can come from us or we have nothing in us. No, it's just that we built our home in the wrong place. 

Know that you are the crown of God's creation and you've been given the power of dominion to rule over all the earth. You are what God says you are. The validity you are seeking from people, the approval you are seeking from people, seek them no more for you've been validated and approved by God, and He has invested so much in you.

So, I say to you get up from where you've fallen and pick up the pieces left. If you were able to put so much in people before, you can do it again but this time right in yourself. God made you special and you are good enough

Tell yourself you are better. The lesson may have been painful but embrace it and build through it. You are powerful than you think and above all you are good enough.

It may seem cloudy and muddy now but trust me after all is said and done, you will be proud you never gave up on yourself. 

Always remember, you are good enough......

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